A free, self-hosted licensing system for your software

LicenseAPI allows you to generate licenses for your software and validate them. It is built with security in mind and is easy to use.

  • Permission System
  • Group Management
  • Assign Metadata to Licenses
  • Offline License Validation
  • Collaborate with your team
  • Integrate using the REST API or SDKs
$curl -sSL https://get.docker.com | sh$wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/gnmyt/LicenseAPI/main/docker-compose.yml$docker compose up -d
Click to copy


License Generation

Generate licenses for your software with ease. LicenseAPI allows you to assign permissions and metadata to licenses.

Permission System

LicenseAPI comes with a built-in permission system that allows you to assign permissions to licenses.

Group Management

Groups allow you to assign multiple permissions to a license. This makes it easier to manage your licenses.